Friday 19 February 2016

Who Am I?

A1 : Introducing Name
Pupils introduce their name individually.
Teacher shows the pictures of boys and girls.
Pupils match the pictures and the names correctly.

A2 : Colour The Names
Teacher asks the pupils to come to the front of the class.
Teacher gives the tasksheet to each pupil in the class (refer to Tasksheet 1)
Let them listen to the names and colour the pictures accordingly.

A3 : Keywords (Lexical Set 1)
At the first set of lexical, teacher shows the words of I, He, She, We and They using the powerpoint.

A4 : Lexical Set 2
Teacher shows the word of is, am and are using the powerpoint.
Pupils read aloud the words with guidance.

A5 : Lexical Set 3
Who Am I?
Pupils combine the lexical 1, 2 and 3 to form simple sentences.
Eg: I am Rama, He is Devin, She is Ong.They are Hazura and Kabitiah.We are friends.

A6 : Write And Say
Teacher explains on how to write in neat legible print.
Teacher shows a few examples of writing works.
Let the pupils write their names with guidance.
Teacher monitors pupil’s spellings and correct the mistakes.
Pupils say aloud the names they wrote.

A7 : Jumbled Words (Sentence Structure)
Teacher distributes tasksheet to the pupils.
Pupils rearrange the words to form a correct sentence.
Eg : is Ong She .......... She is Ong.

A8 : Let Us Sing
Teacher sings the entire song in the class.
Pupils substitute names in the song with the names of their friends in the class.
Pupils sing and enjoy the song of “We Are Friends”.

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