Saturday 6 February 2016


Name of Programme : 
Let Read 

Aims : 
To encourage pupils to read.
To instill the reading habit among the pupils
To achieve zero-defect reading in the near future
To boost the pupil's confidence in reading.

Strategies :
Reading a text 5 minutes before lessons begins from Tuesday to Thursday for the morning sessions and 5 minutes before dismissal for the afternoon session.
Decide specific venues and teachers-in charge for each year to carry out the reading programme.
Pupils of each year, if necessary, are grouped into 2 groups according to their abilities for the programme.
Question - answer sessions are based on the text given.
Spell and pronouce the words or phrases in the text a few times.
Reading, spelling, memorisation and dictation activities are conducted in the class during English lessons.
Test individual pupils on the activities to appoint the testers.
Appointed testers help teachers to test their follow pupils.
Prepare progress charts to evaluate the pupils.
Award coloured stickers for each activity, if pupils achieve them, as a form of encouragement.
After each text, pupils to complete the exercises provided.
Award marks for each exercise.
Teachers can use of the text to each comprehension, note expansion, grammar, close text, free writing or anything else that is relevant.

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