Saturday 6 February 2016


Focus : Listening and Speaking

A1 : Demonstration

Teacher shows the simple instructions to the pupils. E.g : stand up, sit down, put up your hand, clap you hands, take out a book, open a book, close a book.
Pupils say the instructions after teacher.
Teacher corrects the pupils pronunciation.

A2 :  "Nat Says"

Give simple instructions for pupils to follow.E.g : Nat says... sit down.
Ask the pupils to give instructions to their classmates.

A3 : Listen and Tick

Pupils listen to and tick the correct words.

Focus : Reading

A1 : Phrases Cards
Teacher shows the phrases cards to the pupils.
Pupils read after teacher.
Teacher corrects pupils pronunciation.

A2 : Match it right
Teacher pastes the pictures on the board.
Pupils are selected randomly to match the phrases to the correct pictures.

A3 : Running and Win
Teacher pastes the pictures on the wall randomly.
Pupils are divided into five groups.
Each group will be given phrases cards with different colour.
Pupils in the group find the correct pictures and match to the correct phrases.
Teacher checks  the pupils answers.

A4 : Reading Chant
Pupils chant after teacher.
Teacher corrects the pupils pronunciation.

Focus : Writing

A1 : Copy and Write 
Pupils recall on the chant.
Pupils copy the phrases according to the correct pictures.

A2 : Jumbled words
Pupils do the exercises by jumbled the words.

Focus : Language Arts

A1 : Music Box
Turn music and the pupils will pass the box. 

When teacher stop the music,the pupils who get the box will pick up the pictures card and say and make the instruction based on the pictures.

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