Saturday 6 February 2016


Learning Standard : 1.2.1(b) and 2.2.1(b)

A1 : Introduce keywords - LS 1.2.1(b)
Teacher shows word cards. ( Hello and Hi)
Teacher says the word and pupils repeat.
Pupils say the words independently.
Teacher guides pupils to do action using their hands.

A2 : Introduce keywords - LS 2.2.1(b)
Teacher shows word cards.(I am.. and My name..)
Pupils say the word shown in group.
Teacher gives word card to each group.
Teacher says the words repeatedly. 
Pupils show the word card as listened.

A3 : My Self - LS 1.2.1(b)
Teacher guides pupils to recall words learnt - ‘Hello’, ‘Hi’.
Teacher  demonstrate how to introduce herself by using phrases -I am….. My name is..
Teacher selects a pupil to introduce him/herself as demonstrated.
Teacher guides pupils to add up ‘Hello’ &’Hi’ in the phrases.
Pupils introduce themselves in group of four.
Teacher selects a group to present in front of the class.

A4 : Ball Roll Game - 1.2.1(b)
Teacher selects  a pupil to stand in the centre.
Teacher asks pupils to roll the ball to a friend.
Pupils holding the ball move to stand in the centre and introduce him/herself.
That pupil in the centre,   roll the ball to the other pupil.
Repeat the game until finish.
Eg:   “Hello, I am Anuar.” “ Hi, my name is Ziana.”

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